At Sacred Heart Primary School, our Student Wellbeing program is an integral part of our community. We strive to make our school a place where students feel that they belong, have a sense of achievement, are recognised and feel connected.
We support Student Wellbeing through:
Kidsmatter: a framework for student wellbeing and mental health.
Restorative Practice: staff and students follow the Restorative Approach to build, maintain and restore relationships.
Circle Time: is used by each class on a weekly basis to assist in developing the social and emotional development of every student. Every child has a voice.
Kimochi Program: Kimochi toys are used in the junior school to help students identify, understand and manage their feelings.
Respectful Relationships: ‘Teaching for Social and Emotional Learning and Respectful Relationships Program’ developed by the Victorian State Government is used to compliment our Wellbeing Program.
Student Leadership: We strongly believe that all students from Year Prep to Six have opportunities to develop their leadership skills, sense of responsibility and connection to community. SRC representation is at each grade level (Year Prep to Four) and students from all levels have an opportunity to join the Environment Group. All students in Years Five/Six take an active part in leadership through our Student Ministries (Wellbeing, Social Justice, Contemporary Learning, Environment, Arts, ICT ) led by a minister in each area and supported by School Captains and Vice Captains.
Buddy Time: We strongly believe the importance of every child having a buddy to assist in building relationships. Every child in the school has a cross age buddy and each class has scheduled Buddy Time. We incorporate the Alanah and Madeline Foundation Buddy Bears Program in Year Prep and One.
Transition: We are proud of our Transition Program where all students have the opportunity to transition at the end of the year to their new learning areas. We have a scheduled and detailed transition process for students entering Year Prep which allows students to feel connected and welcomed to our school community. We also have an extensive transition program for Year Six students to become acquainted with the demands of Year Seven.
Playground: We have a large playground designed to give students calm and active areas to play in. Our playground features a garden area, sand pit and multiple ball play areas.
Referrals: We have a school counsellor available to work with students and their families. We also have a structured and organised referral system to make use of support services such as speech pathologists and psychologists as required.